Welcome to FCADP
FCADP stands as your ally in the fight against the death penalty in the USA, operating from the heart of France. We are dedicated to providing unwavering support and advocacy to abolish the death penalty across American states. In addition to our mission to eradicate capital punishment, we stand firmly by the side of inmates on death row and their families, offering support and assistance in their daily lives. With a deep-rooted commitment to human rights and justice, FCADP offers tailored strategies and resources to challenge capital punishment and promote alternative approaches to justice. Together, we stand united in our mission to create a more compassionate and equitable society. Welcome to the forefront of change, and let's work together to end the injustice of the death penalty in the USA.
Our Key Focus Areas

Improving conditions
Medical assistance
Families support
Prestigious french's school trust us to train and open the minds of their students

Check out our president's blog
Contact us
Contact us today to find out more about our customized services.
6 rue de la République, 11510 Treilles, France
+33 750 031 208 / +1 (904) 413 0328
RNA n ° W113007888 - SIRET : 88963047100015
About us
FCADP is a dedicated organization based in France, committed to ending the death penalty in the United States. Our mission is to provide legal assistance, advocacy, and support for individuals on death row, while raising awareness and promoting policy reform. With a focus on justice and human rights, we collaborate internationally to drive change and build a more compassionate society.